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free resources

Literacy System Assessment Cover.png
Coaching System Assessment Cover.png

Keep Trash Recycle Protocol

A protocol that can be used when it is time to reflect at the end of the year (or anytime when reflecting at the end of a cycle). 

LRC Website Free Resource Icon.png

Crafting the Path of Least Resistance

Preview the workbook that pairs with the workshop.  Learn the four steps used to lessen resistance in coaching conversations.


ATLAS Data Protocol

Coaches have a unique set of data to analyze when considering what actions to take next.  This resource provides a coach’s version of School Reform Initiative’s ATLAS protocol.

Learn more about the ATLAS Data Protocol in this video!


Coaching Conversation FlowChart

This flowchart demonstrates how a coachees' response during conversation guides your coaching stance and provides a template to help you prep for coaching conversations!

Learn more about the Coaching Conversation FlowChart in this video!

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