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Partners and Clients

Image by Brandi Redd
Rowan Salisbury School System Logo

Rowan-Salisbury Schools EC Department

The EC Instructional Coaching team works through strategic coaching sessions that focus on developing their skills as coaches focused on specially designed instruction.  Starting with Coaching Foundations, coaches learned language used in different coaching stances and how to apply them in different situations responsively.  Meeting twice monthly in a group setting, we explore various protocols, theories & frameworks, and read books and articles to connect to their practice in the field.  During these meetings, coaches practice in real-time using case studies, coaching triads, and the consultancy protocol.  In addition, we conduct live co-observations with coaches, conduct practice sessions using coaching artifacts and debrief to prepare for feedback sessions focused on the highest leverage bite-sized actions to improve student outcomes.  We also provide check-in sessions with coaches to work towards individual coaching goals and build coaching skills.

Cabarrus County Schools Logo on a black background

Cabarrus County Schools

Linda Rhyne Consulting partners with Cabarrus County Schools to support instructional specialists as they support school leaders and teachers.  The coaching sessions work with district instructional specialists to maintain or create safe spaces in which school leaders can be vulnerable during their practice, respond to leaders’ needs and improve instructional practices using high leverage and evidence-based practices while informed by data outcomes. District level specialists work to build the capacity of school leaders in their coaching cycle practices for instructional improvement. LRC supports the development of a sustainable coaching framework that includes shared language, approaches, and templates for future use.

Plymouth-Canton Community Schools

Linda Rhyne Consulting partners with Plymouth-Canton Community schools to support three projects:

  • Formative Assessment Professional Development - supported the district curriculum team deepened their knowledge and developed district definitions and guidelines.

  • Small Group Comprehension Instruction Professional Development -  teachers attended a one-day session that deepened understanding of shifting comprehension instruction practices that align to reading research. 

Plymouth-Canton Community Schools logo with a green and blue globe shape

Hanford Dole Elementary School

Linda Rhyne Consulting works with the instructional coaches and leaders at Hanford Dole Elementary to build sustainable and effective coaching practices.

Hanford Dole Elementary Logo - a red circle with white letters around a blue paw print
Image by Brandi Redd
Grosse Ile Township Schools logo gray shield with red letters outlined in white

Grosse Ile Township Schools

Linda Rhyne Consulting partnered with Grosse Ile Township Schools to conduct a curriculum audit of district-wide literacy including: off-site reviews of written curriculum, support documents, and lesson plans paired with teacher and school-leader focus groups and classroom observations of the implemented curriculum. This review reported on the effectiveness of the current literacy curriculum in a personalized manner to include how well-matched the written curriculum is for the school district and aligned to current reading research.  The district was provided a comprehensive report to guide future decision-making for curriculum decisions.

Carolina Friends School logo in multiple colors letters

Carolina Friends Lower School

Linda Rhyne Consulting has partnered with Carolina Friends Lower School to conduct three projects, including:

  1. An audit of school-wide literacy that honored the Quaker values that guide the school's story, providing a comprehensive report to guide future decision-making, and resources that supported future learning.

  2. Developing a self-guided course titled "Centering Knowledge Building" that uses the anchor text, The Knowledge Gap by Natalie Wexler, and pairs additional texts, videos, and podcasts for each chapter.

  3. Serving as a thought-partner for a teacher working to revise literacy curriculum, with units that incorporate knowledge building and strategies grounded in evidence.

Feading Reimagined logo on a peach background with white letters

Reading Reimagined

Linda Rhyne Consulting serves as a consulting member of the curriculum team for Reading Reimagined, a program under AERDF.  Learn more about Reading Reimagined here.

Image by Brandi Redd
Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools Reading Institute logo

Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools - Reading Institute

Elementary teachers and instructional leaders implementing or supporting the implementation of EL Education Skills Block or modified ALL Block learned how to close the literacy gap and interrupt practices that reduce inequity. This professional learning opportunity built conceptual understanding of early literacy skills by connecting research and practice to the Skills Block microphases, EL Education instructional practices, and the North Carolina Reading Foundational Standards. 


Each cohort engaged in synchronous and asynchronous learning with other district stakeholders to ensure a deep understanding of early foundational reading skills and to inform instructional practices during core instruction and supplemental interventions. Participants completed both self-directed Canvas with feedback and engaged in two half-day live virtual sessions.

Erin Roberts headshot

Erin Roberts (National Boards)

This personalized support experience provided strategic one-on-one guidance, support and resources for completing National Boards Certification components.  We engaged both virtually and in-person to discuss how to outline classroom instruction with component requirements in mind, current progress and action items, and challenges in the unique writing using the style required for submission.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools logo in teal blue

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - Academics Department

The Academics team used Continuous Improvement Practices to inform district asynchronous professional development for ELA and Math. This approach called for instructional specialists to consider its four part cycle: Plan>Do>Check>Act to provide an effective professional development experience. The coaching sessions provided instructional specialists strategic time to consider how this cycle informs their work by being asked probing questions that provided feedback and encouraged reflection. Instructional specialist sessions focused on improving the asynchronous professional development experience for teachers.

Student Achievement Partners and Achieve the Core logo in green

Achieve the Core | Student Achievement Partners - IROS
(working with David and Meredith Liben)

In collaboration with David and Meredith Liben, we facilitated learning for thousands of participants through the Improving Reading for Older Students course provided by Student Achievement Partners.  This course focuses on how to improve literacy outcomes for older students who are reading below grade level.  Participants learn the research behind literacy accelerators that can propel reading progress, consider how to support students in rebuilding their academic confidence and gain practical skills for how to implement these ideas to support students in regular classroom settings.  Although it is set up as a self-paced course, facilitators engage with participants in discussion threads, pushing thinking, sharing resources, and asking questions.


In partnership with David Liben, we facilitated learning for the Evanston-Skokie School District instructional leaders by providing a live follow up session to their participation in the course.  This virtual session focused on the key takeaways from the course, allowed for collaboration and discussion between participants, and provided time for questions and answers to facilitate further learning from the course.

Lebanon Road Elementary School logo with a picture of mascot wearing a backpack

Lebanon Road Elementary

Teachers participated in six professional development sessions focused on refining content knowledge of the Science of Reading and addressing our associated emotions that we experience in the process. Sessions engaged participants in choosing their areas of focus, reflecting on current practices, and analyzing ways to improve classroom literacy practices.  The instructional leadership team participated in eight strategic coaching sessions focused on developing skills in instructional coaching. Starting with Coaching Foundations, coaches learned language used in different coaching stances and how to apply them in different situations.  Meeting twice monthly over the course of the 2021-2022 school year, we explored various protocols, theories, and frameworks to connect to their practice in the field.  During these meetings, coaches practiced real-time using case studies, coaching triads, and the consultancy protocol.  In addition, we observed teachers’ literacy instruction and planned for feedback sessions.

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools English Learner Department logo in teal blue

Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools - English Learner Department

Under Title VI, "school districts must take affirmative steps to ensure that English learner (EL) students can participate meaningfully and equally in educational programs and services." This includes providing students "access to their grade-level curricula so that they can meet promotion and graduation requirements." We developed targeted ELD Lesson Sets for newcomers that gave students the support they required to access grade-level literacy curriculum. The project included lessons aligned to the grade-level standards, curriculum, function & features of language, department template and platform, with opportunities for language samples.  Lesson sets were developed for grades six, seven, and eight each covering nine weeks of instructional time for middle school teachers.

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